320/1–2952: Telegram

The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Roosevelt) to the Secretary of State

Delga 1243. Re Comite 3 joint draft res Jan 29. Fol is text of joint draft res tabled Comite 3 Jan 29 (Chile, Egypt, France, India, Lebanon, Mexico, Philippines and Yugoslavia).

(Joint Draft Res A/C.3/L.227/Rev: 1).

Report of the Economic and Social Council (Chapter V) Chile, Egypt, France, India, Lebanon, Mexico, Philippines and Yugoslavia: Revised Joint draft resolution.

Freedom of information.

The General Assembly,

Regretting that the progress of the proceedings at its sixth regular session does not allow it to devote a detailed discussion to the problems of freedom of information, and especially to the study of the draft convention of freedom of information.

Decides to place consideration of all these problems and of this situation on the agenda for its seventh regular session, and to give it priority.
