Editorial Note

Between February 18–23, 1951, Assistant Secretary Miller visited Rio de Janeiro, as part of a five-country tour of South America. He had been invited by the Brazilian Government to undertake exploratory conversations with Brazilian officials concerning economic cooperation between Brazil and the United States. These discussions covered numerous topics, including Brazil’s desire to negotiate a “supply agreement” to ensure an adequate flow of scarce products from the United States, the strategic materials requirements of the United States, the role of the IBRD in financing the economic development of Brazil, and the possible participation of Brazilian troops in Korea. Memoranda of the discussions are enclosed with a letter from the Counselor of Embassy in Brazil (Mills) to the Officer in Charge of Brazilian Affairs (Kidder) in the Department of State, dated March 6, 1951 (832.00/3–651).

A second round of talks took place in Washington during the latter part of March and April. A report summarizing these talks, together with related memoranda, is enclosed with a letter from Mr. Kidder to Ambassador Johnson, dated April 24, 1951 (Rio de Janeiro Embassy Files, Lot 61 F 30, Box 123, Folder 320). None of these discussions proved conclusive or final, but it was agreed to establish at Rio de Janeiro a Joint Group on Emergency Supply Problems to determine Brazilian needs for scarce equipment and material from the United States and to consult on measures for facilitating the export of raw materials from Brazil to the United States. The agreement to set up the Joint Group was effected by an exchange of notes at Rio de Janeiro, July 24, 1951, and it entered into force on the same date; for text, see TIAS No. 2301, or United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST), volume 2 (pt. 2), page 1594.