I. “Threats” by the Soviet Union to leave the United Nations

[339] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices

661.00/2–1751: Circular airgram

[342] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Secretary of State

700.001/3–151: Telegram

[343] The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices

661.00/3–1051: Circular airgram

[344] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

310.361/3–1451: Telegram

[347] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices

700.001/4–2151: Circular airgram

[349] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices

700.001/4–2851: Circular airgram