396.1 PA/10–2154

Telegraphic Summary by the United States Delegation 1


  • Secto 22

Agreed texts on all outstanding points presented by Working Party to four Foreign Ministers, who gave approval at short meeting 3 p.m. Four Ministers will meet again at 10:45 October 22 to consider text of Allied letter on “similar powers” in article 5 in order give Adenauer opportunity to make statement if this should be necessary. Text of letter and coordination of Four Power texts with Nine Power texts at present under consideration by Working Party.

  1. Transmitted to the Department of State in telegram Secto 5 and repeated to Bonn and London. A six-page verbatim record of this meeting is in the Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 378. The list of principal participants, not provided by the source text, was taken from the verbatim record.
  2. Secto 2 transmitted the summary of the first meeting of the Four-Power Conference, Oct. 20, p. 1408.