396.1 LO/9–754: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

top secret

Dulte 11. Eyes only Acting Secretary and Merchant from Secretary. Following text Eden’s message (reference Dulte 101).

Verbatim text.

I have been in close touch with the United States Embassy about the situation arising from the rejection of EDC and have no doubt that the State Department have been keeping you informed of our views about the next steps to be taken.

Adenauer will be sending me comments within 24 hours on the ideas which we have expounded to him about German entry into NATO with safeguards and I will of course pass these on to your people at once. The way will then I hope be clear for a conference of the powers principally interested as a preliminary to any ministerial meeting of the Council of NATO. As you know we have been working for such a conference and other European governments are all favourably disposed towards the idea.

Apart from the intrinsic urgency of the matter there is the question of fitting any such conference into the rest of the international timetable. You will know how anxious we would be on all grounds to have you here. Indeed your presence seems essential if results are to be achieved. How would you be placed if we suggested that the conference were to be held in London in the course of next week? I believe you were hoping to visit Japan and Formosa after Manila. If you were to forego these visits you might perhaps be able to return home rather earlier via London and attend the conference. I put this suggestion to you with diffidence knowing the extent of your existing commitments and the amount of travelling which you have already had to do recently. But this is a very grave moment in European history and we shall need your invaluable help in unravelling the tangle. Warmest regards.

End verbatim text.

  1. Supra.