711.56382/2–753: Telegram

No. 472
The Ambassador in Turkey (McGhee) to the Department of State1

top secret

979. Appreciate prompt guidance Department’s telegram 9732 on US military requirement in Turkey as originally set forth Department’s telegrams 890 and 891, January 16.3 I held initial meeting with Foreign Minister today and outlined matter fully pursuant pertinent telegrams. I explained need for transition from our past military assistance efforts here arising out of our common NATO responsibilities, set forth in general terms US military requirements [Page 913] both pre and post D day, and stated desire negotiate secret agreement under article 3 NAT.

Foreign Minister’s response very satisfactory. He felt that such arrangement logical consequence of Turkey’s membership in NATO. He appreciated need advance preparations for possible use of facilities by us in defense against Russia. He stated in light Turkey’s strategic and political situation is much to her advantage that this be done. He implied US use in case of need of airfields built in Turkey under US aid programs has always been understood.

Regarding maintenance strict secrecy, Foreign Minister said Turkish Government had considerable latitude vis-à-vis GNA in ratification of treaties. Although he would have to study matter in light of particular draft considered, he thought it quite possible that government could enter into such agreement secretly without approval by Assembly. Foreign Minister reacted favorably to idea of providing cover for new arrangement as extension of present joint training program.

Upon my outlining requirements which we had in mind, Foreign Minister raised no question on types of planes to be used or number of US personnel, nor did I at this stage.

Foreign Minister, throughout my presentation, gave every indication of his concurrence, and at no point did he appear to react unfavorably or take exception. He stated he was convinced of sincerity of our aims and wished to assure us of Turkey’s desire continue closest collaboration. He stated he would discuss matter fully and sympathetically with Prime Minister and other colleagues and would give me their reaction soonest possible. In view Democratic Party Congress during first three days next week, this might not be until February 11.

Foreign Minister accepted my suggestion that I present written draft agreement after I have opportunity hear full Turkish reaction in further meeting. Full report will be made to Department following this meeting, with any proposals for changes in draft agreement contained Department’s telegram 891.4

  1. Repeated for information to Paris eyes only for Draper and to Frankfurt eyes only for Handy.
  2. Telegram 973 instructed McGhee on various aspects of negotiating the military facilities agreement with Turkey. (711.56382/1–2253)
  3. Neither printed. (711.56382/1–1653)
  4. On Feb. 12, McGhee met with Menderes and Köprülü to discuss the agreement further. Both the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister felt that such an agreement would raise no problems and McGhee commented that, based on these first two discussions, he anticipated little difficulty in negotiating an agreement in the form desired by the Department of State. (Telegram 1015 from Ankara; 711.56382/2–1353)