745A.00/9–1252: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Union of South Africa, at Pretoria


38. For Ambassador. FYI Secy has appointment with Havenga Tues.1 SoAfr Emb reports Havenga call courtesy only. Secy, however, being briefed on possible subjs Havenga might raise. Also recommending to Secy that he give Havenga pat on back for SoAfr Korean effort and reaffirm jets will be made available before end of year.2 Also recommending to Secy that he take initiative in expressing concern re SoAfr’s unhappy position in UN pointing out public opinion this country makes it increasingly difficult US maintain moderate position it has assumed in past and importance in general interest free world of not alienating Asian opinion. Point wld be included that if SoAfr cld assume more accommodating position on some single issue such as Southwest, in our view this wld have some moderating effect on attacks they regularly receive on other questions. End FYI.

Your comments on above requested. In addition, Dept considering wisdom Secy in some way mentioning desirability of moderation re [Page 928] SoAfr domestic policies. Dept recognizes fully extreme delicacy this question and with most SoAfrs wld not consider Secy mentioning subj. In view Havenga’s past record, however, tentatively feel might be possible do so with him, pegging any comment made on investment angle. If suitable opportunity arose under this procedure Secy cld say that he felt Havenga shld know that Dept receiving indications that certain Amer companies which might otherwise desire make important investments SoAfr seem to be hesitating because of apprehension their part as to future stability in Union in view policies now being pursued. Your views urgently desired re (a) desirability touching on this subj at all (b) as to wisdom this as against alternative pegs on which to hang it.

Reply to be useful shld arrive by Mon morning Wash time.3

  1. Sept. 16.
  2. Documentation on this subject is located in file 745A.5622. See also the summation of developments contained in the briefing memorandum prepared for Havenga’s visit, infra .
  3. On Sept. 15, 1952, Ambassador Gallman informed the Department that he “fully support[ed] all recommendations outlined first para Dept’s telegram.” In regard to the South West Africa question, Gallman stated that in talks with South African officials he had suggested that they adopt a “practical attitude”, that the matter of the Union’s administrative control of South West Africa was not being questioned or threatened by a foreign source, and that the Union Government could well afford to make periodic administrative reports to the United Nations. Gallman also noted that during his recent visit to South West Africa, business and professional men spoke of the area as “our country”, that is, as something quite distinct from the Union of South Africa. Finally, Gallman cautioned against touching on the Union’s domestic politics directly with Havenga, as while Havenga was “quite broad and liberal”, he was also “a sensitive Afrikaner and a loyal member of Malan’s govt.” Comment in this area, Gallman advised, should be limited to the impact which the current trend in South Africa (i.e. its racial policies) had on investment plans of American companies. (Telegram 65 from Pretoria, Sept. 15, 1952; 745A.00/9–1552)