357.AB/2–2652: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Department of State1


550. Re Kashmir. Gross and Hyde lunched with Graham and conveyed to him substance Deptel 306, February 1 [21].

He feels his primary task is to seek agreement on demilitarization. If he cannot obtain agreement on remaining issues, he will ask parties for their own suggestions for settlement. Finally he will submit his report which may or may not, depending on circumstances, contain his own recommendations.
On issue of demilitarization, he feels Devers plan of substantial parity on either side of the line will never be acceptable to Indians. He sees a little leeway for negotiation in getting Indians to agree to early date for appointment of PlebAd in return for Pak’s agreement for smaller Azad Kashmir Forces and possibly to smaller reduction of Indian Forces.
Re UK view that Graham shld bring two PriMins together, he is disinclined to attempt this unless he sees a good chance of thereby settling case along lines of his twelve principles.
His staff problems are now solved. Elmore Jackson flies with him today. Graham is content to be able to call on Devers or an alternate to be quickly available if needed.
  1. This telegram was repeated by the Department to New Delhi.