First Committee Consideration of Draft Resolutions; The Menon Proposal and Ensuing Negotiations; Truman’s Approval of a FINAL Position on the Menon Proposal; Acceptance of the Revised Proposal by the General Assembly; Rejection by the People’s Republic of China and North Korea

[318] Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Bruce) to the President


[319] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–1352: Telegram

[320] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–1352: Telegram

[322] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–1452: Telegram

[324] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–1552: Telegram

[325] The Secretary of State to the President


[326] Memorandum of the Substance of Discussion at a Department of State Joint Chiefs of Staff Meeting

State-JCS Meetings, lot 61 D 417

[328] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–1752: Telegram

[330] The Secretary of Defense (Lovett) to the Secretary of State


[331] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Department of State

795.00/11–1852: Telegram

[334] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–1952: Telegram

[335] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–1952: Telegram

[336] The Secretary of State to the President


[337] The Secretary of State to the President


[338] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Department of State

320/11–2152: Telegram

[339] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Department of State

320/11–2252: Telegram

[340] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–2452: Telegram

[341] Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to the President


[342] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–2452: Telegram

[343] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–2552: Telegram

[344] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–2552: Telegram

[345] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–2552: Telegram

[346] The Secretary of State to the President


[347] The Secretary of State to the President


  1. The dateline of the file copy read 11:59 a.m., an obvious error corrected here by the editors.