320/11–852: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations1


Gadel 48. Re Korea, Delga 151, Delga 149.2

Confirming GrossHickersonJohnsonWainhouseHenkin telecon, fol are Dept’s comments on draft res Delga 151:
Re para 2, insert words “for Korea” after words “armistice agreement”.
Re para 2B, Dept’s strong preference is for establishment impartial comm to which GA wld name membs. US cld accept any state outside Sov bloc. However, if necessary to obtain Ind agreement, US wld accept provision for impartial comm leaving actual membership to negots at Panmunjom. If Inds maintain that Chi Commies will accept only membs Neutral Nations Supervisory Body (Sweden, Switzerland, Poland, Czecho), plus “umpire”, US wld insist either that GA appoint in advance “umpire” envisaged by Inds, or that, if 4 membs unable agree upon umpire at first mtg, GA wld name “umpire” or possibly wld delegate responsibility to appropriate internatl official such as Pres ICJ. Preference in latter connection, however, wld be for GA designate umpire in advance, his appointment to become effective if 4 states unable agree on “umpire” at first mtg. In discussing above with Inds, GADel shld stress willingness accept impartial comm of any 3 states outside Commie bloc, membs of UN or otherwise; if Inds indicate Commies wld not accept such comm, US wld agree to 4 “neutral” states with GA naming umpire, as indicated above.
Re para 2B(1). Substitute word “demilitarized” for “neutral”.
Re para 2B(3). Insert word “humanitarian” before word “principles”.
Fol are Dept’s tentative reactions to list of points developed by Menon (Delga 149):
Paras 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 acceptable.
Paras 2 and 8 raise problem composition repatriation comm on which Dept views already indicated in para 1b above.
Dept considers para 7 unhappily worded and too detailed. Strongly prefer formulation para 1 Delga 151.
US cld not accept para 11. However, we can accept formulation on polit conf set forth Delga 151 or provision according which GA “approves” to holding of polit conf provided for in para 60 draft armis agreement as indicated Gadel 41.3
  1. This telegram was drafted by Brown of UNP and cleared by Wainhouse and Johnson, and with Hickerson.
  2. Both dated Nov. 8, pp. 588 and 585, respectively.
  3. In Gadel 41, dated Nov. 7, 1952, the Department of State gave its preliminary comments on the list of elements basic to the U.S. position on Korea in the General Assembly as set out in Delga 133, dated Nov. 6, p. 579, including acceptance of a political conference approved by the General Assembly, if the Secretary of State concurred (320/11–652).