Editorial Note

Limitations of space preclude publication of documents relating to the Panmunjom talks on the scale of Foreign Relations, 1951, volume VII, Part 1. In the place of emphasis on the negotiations for a military armistice in Korea, the editors favored a full treatment of important documentation on United States relations with Korea, the problems of the United Nations Command, and the efforts beyond the truce site to end the war. While important developments relating to the armistice negotiations have been given the treatment they deserve, the reader will not find excerpts or extensive summaries of the sessions at Panmunjom in this volume.

For those interested in the day-to-day negotiations at Panmunjom, a set of transcripts of the talks is available at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, California. The National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C., has custody of a special collection of original transcripts, letters, and related documents pertaining to the armistice negotiations, which was originally maintained by the Assistant Chief of Staff, G–3, Department of the Army. Minutes of the plenary meetings, subdelegate, liaison, and staff officers sessions are also found in these records.

Admiral C. Turner Joy, How the Communists Negotiate, and William H. Vatcher Jr., Panmunjom, are first-hand accounts of the armistice conference. Extensive coverage of the truce negotiations is included in Walter G. Hermes, Truce Tent and Fighting Front, a volume in the [Page 8] series United States Army in the Korean War. A secondary source is David Rees, Korea: The Limited War.