231. Editorial Note

Following breakfast, Phleger, MacArthur, Merchant, and Bowie attended a meeting of the Tripartite Coordinating (Working) Group at 9:15 a.m. At 9:30 they joined the Foreign Ministers for a tripartite meeting at the Palais des Nations. No records of these meetings have been found in Department of State files, but they appear as entries in the United States Delegation order of the day, USDEL OD–6, July 22 (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 520), and in Merchant, Recollections, page 43.

At the conclusion of the second meeting, Secretary Dulles met briefly with Molotov who handed him the Russian text of a new draft directive. A seven-line memorandum of their conversation, USDEL/MC/16, July 22, is in Department of State, Central File 396.1–GE/7–2255. For a translation of the draft directive, see infra .