235. Telegram From the Delegation at the Geneva Conference to the Department of State 1

Secto 70. At resumption 3:00 p.m. Foreign Ministers meeting Molotov requested insertion phrase in German section of directive that Heads of Government recognize “common responsibility for solution of the German question” as well as reunification of Germany, et cetera. Also requested insertion provision Foreign Ministers will [Page 473] consider German matters with participation of GDR and Federal Republic and representatives other governments. In reply Secretary’s question regarding difference between solution German problem and reunification Molotov said solutions wider than reunification and could include arrangements such as bringing together different parts of Germany before reunification.

Molotov said he accepted text draft directive on security.2

Regarding disarmament Molotov presented following text amending Western draft proposals:3

“The Four Heads of Government,

“Desirous of removing the threat of war and lessening the burden of armaments,

“Convinced of the necessity for secure peace and for the welfare of mankind, of achieving a system of disarmament providing the establishment of definite levels of armaments and armed forces of states and the prohibition of atomic and hydrogen weapons with the institution of effective international controls over the implementation of an appropriate agreement,

“Recognizing that achievements in this field would release vast material resources to be devoted to the peaceful economic development of nations, for raising their well-being as well as for assistance to underdeveloped countries,

“Agree that the Foreign Ministers work out agreed recommendations on disarmament for submission to the United Nations, recognizing at the same time the need to:

  • “a) Take account in their work of the views and proposals advanced by the Heads of Government at this conference;
  • “b) Propose that the next meeting of the Subcommittee be held on August 29, 1955, at New York.”

Following brief recess Secretary said could not accept draft on participation GDR and FedRep since consultation arrangements comprehended provisions re organization Foreign Ministers conference. Secretary accepted reference to solution German problem as being within competence four powers on understanding recognize ability Foreign Ministers consider arrangements for free elections, etc. which must precede reunification.

As regards need consulting East and West German authorities, in connection Foreign Ministers conference, Molotov said embarrassment had already ensued from failure consult Germany at present conference and would certainly be necessary arrange for participation authorized Germans at next stage. Pinay questioned advisability saying hard to distinguish between parties and organizations clamoring for participation. Suggested question be left to discretion Foreign Ministers at next conference.

[Page 474]

Foreign Ministers meeting adjourned to make place for Heads of Government at 5:30 p.m.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–GE/7–2355. Drafted by Beam. Repeated to London, Paris, Moscow, and Bonn. Secret; Priority. The U.S. Delegation verbatim record, USDEL/Verb/M–5, July 22, which indicates that the meeting began at 3:14 p.m. and adjourned at 4:45, is ibid., Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 509.
  2. Reference is to paragraph 2 of the tripartite proposal in Document 232.
  3. For text of this proposal, see ibid.
  4. A record of this meeting is infra .