113. Circular Telegram From the Secretary of State to All Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics1

793. Joint State–USIA message. In light announced intention President Eisenhower attend Panama meeting and supplementing guidance CA–87242 and Usito 4843 pre-conference output should stress following themes:

Government Panama originated idea presidents’ meeting. Give full recognition Panama as host of meeting which honors Congress Panama as first “Pan-American” meeting, forerunner present OAS. Important avoid implication meeting organized or run by U.S.
Meeting will demonstrate to world: a) warm relationship among presidents and peoples American Republics. Contrast friendly cooperative spirit inter-American Good Neighbor-Good Partners relationship with arid concept of “co-existence”; b) advanced development and successful performance OAS and c) veneration accorded by all American Governments and people to memory Bolivar and principles he espoused.
Pan American system very old with roots in Latin America. Present Charter OAS embodies in more developed form principles of treaty drafted by Congress Panama 1826. (Review purposes of OAS [Page 442] set forth Article 4 Charter.)4 Meeting underlines common values purposes American Republics.
Meeting will be ceremonial and commemorative. Its value and purpose will be promote greater understanding among American Governments by affording opportunity for heads State meet and know each other. No formal agenda or substantive discussions planned.
Important portray President Eisenhower’s role as that of associate of other Chiefs State and Panamanian guest. Stress his identification with group not as dominating figure. Interpret his presence Panama as evidence importance U.S. attaches its relations with Latin America and value Inter-American system.
To play down possible impression U.S. is running show use material Latin American sources and datelines whenever appropriate and justified.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 511.00/5–1656. Confidential. Drafted by G. Richard Monsen, Foreign Affairs Officer, USIA, and approved by Hilton.
  2. Not printed. (Ibid., 511.00/5–456)
  3. Not found in Department of State files.
  4. For text of the charter, which entered in force for the United States on December 13, 1951, see TIAS 2361.