428. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between the Secretary of State and the United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge), May 25, 1955, 4:48 p.m.1

[Here follows discussion of the Secretary’s proposed trip to San Francisco to attend the special session of the United Nations, June 20–26, commemorating the tenth anniversary of its founding.]

L. said Larudia (?) [Urrutia] from Colombia was in—apparently Holland told someone no more military aid to Colombia and it is raising hell. L. has a short memo. The Sec. should call Zuleta in. The Sec. thinks that is misrepresented. L. has a written statement. The Sec. said they have been having talks re bombs for the pursuit of guerillas and there was reluctance to give them that type and the Sec. understands the request was dropped. L. said this is for 3 infantry battalions and one Marine battalion. The same day Holland said no, Carney and Ridgway said yes.2

[Here follows discussion of Cyprus.]

  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, General Telephone Conversations. Prepared in the Office of the Secretary of State.
  2. On May 26, Dulles telephoned Holland to relay the substance of this conversation with Lodge. Holland confirmed that he had told the Colombians they would not receive additional military assistance and that the Department of Defense was still considering the matter. (Memorandum of telephone conversation, May 26; ibid.)