132. Letter From President Eisenhower to Prime Minister Ben Gurion1

Dear Mr. Prime Minister: I wish to acknowledge with appreciation your letter of February 14, 1956.2 My Secretary of State and I have had the benefit of a careful and detailed report by Mr. Anderson of his conversations, and we have discussed with him the steps which might next be taken in pursuit of the peaceful settlement of which you have written so earnestly.

Mr. Anderson’s exploratory conversations in the Near East have not advanced as far toward a resolution of the issues confronting us as I had hoped, but a foundation has been laid on which we may hope to build. Meanwhile, the need for a solution has become even more pressing. It is my deepest wish that the United States make whatever contribution it can in this profoundly disturbing situation. With this desire in mind, Mr. Anderson plans to return to the Near East for further discussions within the next few days.

I have taken full and sympathetic note of your statement of Israel’s need for arms. Your request is being given the most careful consideration in light of the need both to ensure Israel’s security and to create a situation which will be most conducive to peace in the area.

Permit me to renew my warmest good wishes and heartfelt thanks for your friendly cooperation.

With assurances of my deep personal regard,

Sincerely yours,3

  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, International File. According to Dulles’ memorandum of conversation with the President at the White House on February 27 at 4 p.m., the Secretary raised the subject of “Anderson’s early return to the Near East and the desirability of his carrying with him new letters to Nasser [infra] and Ben Gurion, drafts of which I submitted. The President went over these drafts and approved them and arranged to have them typed up on his stationery while I was present. He then signed the letters and delivered them to me.” (Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, Meetings with the President)
  2. Attachment to Document 103.
  3. The source text is not signed.