16. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Morocco 0

1053. In connection current Algerian-Moroccan problem, we presume Embassy aware substantial amounts U.S. ammunition and equipment are in the pipeline due to arrive in Morocco over the next several weeks. This includes jeeps, two helicopters and assorted ammunition. [Page 22] These shipments represent GOM purchases under the MAP military assistance agreement with the GOM. While we do not believe we should raise issue, we assume GOM will continue to unload these military supplies without any conspicuous display. We understand GOM has followed practice unloading such supplies at night and in cordoned areas.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 19-3 US-MOR. Secret. Drafted by Haynes and Newsom, cleared by Heffner (DOD), and approved by Tasca. Repeated to Paris, Algiers, and USUN.