21. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Morocco0

1068. You should inform Balafrej that we take most seriously the threat of outside intervention in Algerian-Moroccan conflict. Evidence is increasing that UAR may be preparing intervene with considerable force in support of Algeria. We now actively engaged diplomatic efforts discourage any such massive UAR intervention. Depending on his intentions and relative impact of these and other efforts on Nasser,UAR intervention may or may not be stalled or limited.

In this situation accomplishment of cease-fire with minimum delay is most urgent in order to check any further intervention or escalation of conflict. You may assure Balafrej that we also using our influence to persuade both disputants, as well as those seeking directly to assist in bringing about resumption of talks, to avoid taking positions with regard to [Page 27] cease-fire which would put either GOM or GOA in politically untenable position. We would strongly urge that GOM in own best interests respond with early acceptance to any genuine cease-fire proposals that UNSYG, OAU, or other conciliators may put forward. Cease-fire, even if temporary, now paramount consideration so long as other claims or concerns can be dealt with peacefully.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 32-1 ALG-MOR. Secret. Drafted by Hooper, cleared by Newsom, and approved by Tasca. Repeated to Algiers, Cairo, Tunis, Paris, Madrid, and USUN, and by pouch to London, Rome, and Tripoli.