343. Memorandum of Conversation0


  • Southern Rhodesia


  • Sir David Ormsby Gore, British Ambassador
  • The Secretary
  • William R. Tyler, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
  • Mr. Thomas M. Judd, EUR/BNA

The Secretary asked Ambassador Ormsby Gore if there was any resentment in London because the U.S. had not joined the UK in vetoing the Security Council resolution on Southern Rhodesia. The Ambassador said that on the contrary, London was most grateful for the support received from the U.S. There was some annoyance with the Norwegians.

The Secretary said he was sorry that we couldn’t get the required number of abstentions. We had worked hard on this. Ambassador Ormsby Gore again expressed thanks for U.S. effort. Mr. Tyler said that Mr. Greenhill had on a previous occasion passed to him an expression of British gratitude for the U.S. effort.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 19 RHOD & NYAS. Confidential. Drafted by Judd and approved in S on September 24. The conversation took place in the Secretary’s office.