290. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State 1

2515. SPC—Enlargement of Councils.

SPC Dec 16 voted three reses: 15 seat SC (96–11–4), 27 seat ECOSOC (95–11–4), and 25 seat Gen Comite. On SC and ECOSOC negative votes were all from France, Sov bloc and Cuba. Albania voted in favor. US, UK (together with SAG and Portugal) abstained on SC and ECOSOC reses. China favored SC res but did not participate in vote on ECOSOC, having alluded to Quaison-Sackey’s (Ghana) reference to ECOSOC seats of “four permanent members of SC.” France opposed both reses, explaining regret at SPC haste, referring to “problem of majority in SC,” and noting that it had expected abstain but had just received instructions to oppose (suggesting a decision by De Gaulle).
Wide agreement on SC and ECOSOC reses developed after it became apparent at LA group in morning that ASAFs could not bring sufficient number LAs along with their reses to obtain two-thirds majority. However, when ASAFs conceded to LAs one additional ECOSOC seat, 1 additional Gen Comite VP, and commitment not to raid on LA seat in SC next year if enlargement reses not ratified, entire LA group came along. WEs followed quickly obtaining one of additional nine seats in ECOSOC for themselves. Final agreement expressed in form of ASAF amendments to LA reses. Quaison-Sackey explained that after ECOSOC increased by nine (7 ASAFs, 1 LA, 1 WE) breakdown of 27 would be: 4 perms, 2 EEs, 4 WEs and others, 5 LAs, 12 ASAFs, of which 7 would be Africans, 5 Asians. In SC breakdown, 5 perms, 2 LAs, 1 EE, 2 WE and others, 5 ASAFs; there will be 3 Africans, 2 Asians, he said.
Gen Cmite res had separate vote on Polish-Czech amendment, as altered by Nigerian wording which had one opponent, Bindzi (Cameroon) and eleven scattered abstentions. Pres GA and 17 VPs on 25 man Gen Comite now will have following distribution: 7 ASAFs, 3 LAs, 1 EEs, 2 WEs and others, 5 perms, while Comite chairmen will be 3 ASAFs, 1 WE, 1 EE, 1 LA, 1 alternating between WE and LA.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1960–63, UN 8 SC. Confidential.