1. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Germany1

1849. Subj.: Permanent Arrangements for Passes to East Berlin.2 Ref.: Bonn’s 2315; Berlin’s 806 to Bonn.3

Due to swiftness with which events are moving on above subject Dept prefers at this time to confine itself to following general guidance. If specific problems requiring Dept’s views arise Emb should submit recommendations.
Dept would welcome creation of permanent arrangements for West Berliners to visit East Berlin if this can be worked out on acceptable terms.
We have no objections to continued use of Korber-Wendt channel for discussion this subject.
We hope to avoid becoming enmeshed in conflicts of views between Senat and FRG, between political parties in Germany or between contesting German political figures on this highly political subject. Dept believes that existing machinery in Berlin and Bonn should be used to coordinate views of Allies, Senat and FRG. We would not, however, object to ad hoc presence of Senat representative at quadripartite meetings in Bonn on this issue.
Timetable proposed by Senat (Berlin’s 805 to Bonn)4 seems probably to be too short to permit adequate consultations with Germans and among Allies. At same time we believe Allies should make every effort consistent with adequate consultations to proceed as quickly as Germans desire.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files,POL 23–10 GER. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Penberthy; cleared by McGhee, Tyler, GER, EUR, and Thompson; and approved by Ausland. Repeated to Berlin, Paris for the Embassy and USRO, London, Moscow,USAREUR, CINCEUR, SHAPE, and USELMLO.
  2. For documentation regarding the Berlin pass agreement, signed December 17, 1963, see Foreign Relations, 1961–1963, vol. XV, Documents 245, 251, and 252. McGhee discussed the issue in At the Creation of a New Germany, pp. 119–121.
  3. Telegram 2315 from Bonn, January 1, recommended a tripartite meeting to discuss Allied policy on the passes question. (Department of State, Central Files, POL 36 GER) Telegram 806 to Bonn, January 1, reported on the meeting of Allied Deputies concerning the pass issue. (Ibid., POL 23–10 GER)
  4. Dated December 31, 1963, it reported on German consultations with the Allies regarding visitation policy. (Ibid., POL 26 GER)