8. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel1

196541. Please deliver following personal message from President to Prime Minister Eshkol:

“Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

I am following very closely the tense situation in the Near East and am deeply concerned about the maintenance of peace in that area. We have made known our concern in Damascus and Cairo and are working closely with other countries in the United Nations. Our efforts will continue.

I know that you and your people are having your patience tried to the limits by continuing incidents along your border. In this situation, I would like to emphasize in the strongest terms the need to avoid any action on your side which would add further to the violence and tension in your area. I urge the closest consultation between you and your principal friends. I am sure that you will understand that I cannot accept any responsibilities on behalf of the [Page 11] United States for situations which arise as the result of actions on which we are not consulted.

With personal regards.


Lyndon B. Johnson

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL ARAB–ISR. Secret; Immediate. Drafted and approved by Rusk; cleared by Battle; and cleared with changes by Walt Rostow.