98. Editorial Note

In a March 29, 1966, memorandum to the President, General Taylor proposed that implementation of NSAM 341 be reviewed about September 1. The President indicated that Taylor should raise the issue again in about three months. (National Defense University, Taylor Papers, Papers Relating to NSAM 341, Box 63, Folder E) Taylor next raised the issue in an October 3 memorandum to the President, stating that with the appointment of Nicholas Katzenbach as Under Secretary of State it would be “timely and helpful” to start the review soon in order to make the results available for Katzenbach’s guidance. “Also, it would be timely to estimate the strength of this organization as State is presently considering the possibility of superimposing on it the planning, programming and budgeting of overseas activities.” The President directed Walt Rostow to ask Katzenbach how he felt about it. (Johnson Library, National Security File, NSAMs, NSAM 341) Katzenbach proposed to Rostow that Taylor’s review take place in November, but, according to a memorandum of Rostow’s telephone conversation with Secretary of State Rusk on October 13, Rusk indicated that he “thought Nick and Gene Rostow and Kohler and Sec should have a crack at that ourselves first.” Taylor’s review was put on hold. (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, ORG 1)