Papers relating to foreign affairs.


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No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
818 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward.

Nov. 25

Reception in Europe of the news of the presidential election in the United States. 1
819 do Nov.25 Cases of the detention of the Great Western, and of Jones and Highatt, for violation of foreign enlistment act. 1
821 do Nov. 25 The use of British territory by the insurgents for hostile enterprises against the United States. 5
822 do Nov. 30 Proceedings of the British ministry in relation to the reduction of the military and naval service. 8
823 do Dec 1 Reply of Earl Russell to three rebel emissaries. 9
824 do Dec.1 Address of the Union and Emancipation Society of Manchester. 9
825 do Dec.1 Case of the Deerhound 11
826 do Dec.2 Death of Mr. Dayton 12
1183 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Dec.6 Intercepted correspondence showing the use of British provinces by the insurgents. 13
830 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Dec.8 Case of the Rappahannock 19
1185 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Dec.9 Alleged enlistments for the United States military service. 31
1186 do Dec 13 Projects of hostile invasion of the United States by rebels in Canada. 35
1187 do Dec 13 The President’s message. Appointment of Chief Justice and Attorney General. Organization of Congress. The military situation. 35
1189 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Dec. 13 Alleged manufacture of Greek fire in Canada to be used to burn cities of the United States. 36
1190 do Dec. 14 The discharge of the persons who committed the robbery and murder at St. Albans. 37
1191 do Dec. 15 Delivery of deserters from men-of-war 38
832 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Dec. 16 Rebel organization at Marysburgh, Canada 39
833 do Dec. 16 Case of Ellison vs. Jorss, involving claim for goods to run the blockade. 39
835 do Dec. 16 Addresses of the London Emancipation Society, Anti-Slavery Society, and Working-men of South London. 41
1192 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Dec. 17 Moral effect of the presidential election 48
1193 do Dec. 17 The military situation 48
1194 do Dec. 19 The raids from the British provinces 49
1197 do Dec. 21 Case of detention of the Great Western 59
836 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Dec. 22 Case of the Roanoke 59
838 do Dec. 22 Case of Mr. Leon Smith 60
839 do Dec. 22 Reply to Lord Wharncliffe 60
840 do Dec. 22 Hostile movements in canda 61
841 do Dec. 22 The Sea King changed to the Shenandoah, and her depredations on the coast of Brazil. 62
842 do Dec. 23 Address from the people of Dewsbury 63
844 do Dec. 23 Address of Central Council of International Workingmen’s Association. 63
1199 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Dec. 21 Proclamation of Prince Maximilian affecting British settlement in Honduras. 65
1200 do Dec. 25 Case of the Deerhound 67
1201 do Dec. 26 Earl Russell’s communication to rebel emissaries. 67
1203 do Dec. 26 Case of the Rappahannock. The Queen vs. Rumble. 68
1204 do Dec 26 Earl Russell’s reply in reference to affairs in Canada. 68
1208 do Dec. 27 The military situation 68
845 Mr. Adams to Mr. Mr. Seward. Dec. 29 The release of the Great Western 69
846 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Dec. 30 The departure of Lord Lyons. Operations of rebel emissaries in Canada. The order of General Dix. 69
848 do Dec. 30 Address from the Oldhan Auxiliary Union and Emancipation Society. 71
1214 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Dec. 31 Case of Ellison vs. Jorss 72
1215 do Dec. 31 Reply to addresses of London Emancipation and Newmiln’s Anti-Slavery Society. 73
1216 do Dec. 31 Contentions of British subjects concerning our affairs. Addresses of delegations. 73
1219 do

Jan. 1

The military situation 73
1221 do Jan. 1 The rebel organization in Marysburgh, Canada 74
850 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Jan. 5 Hostile outrages committed along the borders of Canada and action of the courts. Arrest of Captain Corbett, of the Sea King. 74
1223 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Jan. 9 Hostile movements in Canada 80
1224 do Jan. 9 Reply to address of the Central Council of International Workingmen’s Association. 80
1225 do Jan. 9 Reply to address of the people of Dewsbury 81
1226 do Jan. 10 Emissaries of the insurgents in Canada and Europe. 81
1227 do Jan. 10 The military situation. Debates in Congress and in the Kentucky legislature. 82
1228 do Jan. 10 Arrival of the Shenandoah at Bahia 82
1229 do Jan. 10 Acknowledgment of letter of congratulation from Merthyr Tydfil. 82
1233 do Jan.10 Transfer of crew of the pirate Florida to the Rappahannock. 83
854 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Jan. 12 Instructions as to the treatment of neutral vessels by confederate cruisers. 84
855 do Jan. 13 Address from the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. 89
1236 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Jan. 16 Death of Edward Everett. The military situation. Abolition of slavery in Tennessee and Missouri. 90
1237 do Jan. 16 Lord Lyons. The hostile movements in Canada. 91
1238 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.

Jan. 16

Acknowledgment of address of Oldham Auxiliary Union and Emancipation Society. 93
1241 do Jan. 18 Termination of the reciprocity treaty 93
1242 do Jan. 18 Plan for the seizure of American steamships on the Pacific coast. 94
857 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Jan. 19 Cases of violation of the foreign enlistment act. 94
1245 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Jan. 23 Insurgent expectations of recognition by Great Britain and France. 96
1246 do Jan. 24 Fall of Fort Fisher. Discontent and demoralization among the insurgents. Removal of Judge Coursol. 98
1247 do Jan. 26 Difficulties in Canada 98
864 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Jan. 26 Case of the Roanoke at Bermuda 99
865 do Jan. 26 Position of parties in Parliament on American policy. 100
1250 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Jan. 27 The pirate Shenandoah. Her depredations 103
1253 do Jan. 30 The military situation. Arrival of three peace commissioners from the rebels. 105
1256 do Jan. 30 Proceedings of insurgent emissaries to France and Great Britain. 106
1257 do Feb. 1 Insult to the United States flag at Port Mahon. 110
867 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Feb. 2 Difficulties in Canada. Repeal of the reciprocity treaty and passport system. 111
868 do Feb.2 Position of parties and public men in reference to policy towards America. 112
869 do Feb. 3 Case of the Peterhoff (Hobbs vs. Henning) and of the Rappahannock (Queen vs. Rumble.) 113
1258 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Feb. 7 Interview granted by the President at Fortress Monroe to the peace commissioners of the rebels. 128
1259 do Feb. 7 The military situation. Passage of the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery. 131
1261 do Feb. 7 Cases of violation of foreign enlistment act 131
870 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Feb. 9 Meeting of Parliament. The Queen’s speech. 131
871 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward.

Feb. 9

Rebel schemes and projects 141
872 do Feb.9 Case of the Rappahannock, (The Queen vs. Rumble.) Prosecutions under the foreign enlistment act. 141
873 do Feb. 9 Escape of the Olinde, or Stonewall, from Nantes. 159
874 do Feb. 10 English opinions of the American struggle 160
1263 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Feb. 13 The military situation 161
1265 do Feb. 13 British national sentiment in regard to the civil war. 163
1269 do Feb. 13 Termination of the treaty regulating the naval force on the lakes. 164
1270 do Feb. 13 Case of the Roanoke at Bermuda 164
877 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Feb. 15 Conference with Earl Russell in reference to the growing irritation between the two countries. 165
879 do Feb. 16 Outfits of vessels for account of the rebels 165
1271 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Feb. 16 Movements of the rebel steamer Laurel 177
880 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Feb. 17 The depredations of the Shenandoah. Effects in Europe of probability of peace in the United States. 178
881 do Feb. 18 Movements of United States steamers in pursuit of the Stonewall. 179
1272 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Feb. 18 Project of the rebels to get out the Alexandra. 179
1273 do Feb. 21 The military situation. Evacuation of Charleston. 179
1274 do Feb. 21 British aid to the insurgents and its effects 180
1277 do Feb. 21 Cases of the Peterhoff and the Rappahannock. 182
883 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Feb. 23 Parliamentary proceedings and state of public opinion. 182
884 do Feb. 23 The intimations of the rebel commissioners. Proceedings of insurgentemissariesin France and Great Britain. Insult to the United States flag at Port Mahon. Termination of the reciprocity treaty. Insurgent vessels fitted out in British ports. 183
1278 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.

Feb. 25

Treatment of United States ships-of-war at the Bahamas, and treatment of rebel vessels in British colonial ports. 185
1279 do Feb. 27 The military situation. Surrender of Wilmington. 189
1280 do Feb. 28 The supplies of the Stonewall. Movements of the City of Richmond and the Laurel. 190
1282 do Mar. 1 Popular opinions and apprehensions in Europe in regard to action of the United States. European aid to the insurgents. 190
do Mar. 1 Intercepted communication from rebel emissaries in Canada. 193
886 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Mar. 2 Appointment of Sir Frederick Bruce in place of Lord Lyons. Effect of American news on English opinion. 194
1283 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Mar. 6 Case of the Queen vs. Rumble 195
1284 do Mar. 6 Policy of the United States government towards Canada. 195
1285 do Mar. 6 The irritation growing up between the two countries. 195
1286 do Mar. 6 The equipment and armament of the Olinde, or Stonewall. 196
1287 do Mar. 6 Opinions of Earls Russell and Derby, and the efforts of insurgent emissaries in England. 196
1288 do Mar. 7 Proceedings of Congress and its adjournment. Inauguration of President and Vice-President. Appointment of Mr. McCulloch. The military situation. 196
1289 do Mar. 8 Termination of the treaty limiting the naval force on the lakes. 197
1293 do Mar. 9 Outfits of vessels for account of the rebels 197
889 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Mar. 9 British opinion and policy in reference to the United States. 199
890 do Mar. 9 Case of the Queen vs. Rumble 199
1296 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Mar. 10 British apprehension of hostile designs on the part of the United States towards Canada. 200
1297 do Mar. 13 Case of the Shenandoah. Communications with rebel emissaries. European delusion that rebel debts will be paid. 202
1298 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Mar. 13 The military situation. The march of General Sherman and operations of General Sheridan. Exposition of political situation at Richmond. 202
1300 do Mar. 13 The rebel debets 205
1301 do Mar. 13 Case of the Rappahannock. (The Queen vs. Rumble.) 206
1302 do Mar. 13 The pirate stonewall 209
892 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Mar. 14 Debate in the House of Commons on relations with America. 211
1304 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Mar. 15 Disturbance and derangement of national commerce by the intervention of piratical cruisers from British ports. 245
893 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Mar. 16 Parliamentary debates and public opinion in reference to relations with America. 246
894 do Mar. 16 Proceedings of authorities in Nova Scotia in reference to hostile combinations towards the United States. 248
896 do Mar. 16 The rebel steamer Laurel 248
897 do Mar. 16 Case of the Alexandra, or Mary, at Nassau 250
900 do Mar. 16 The pirate Shenandoah 250
1309 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Mar. 18 Blockade-running and privateering enterprises at Nassau. 251
1310 do Mar. 20 The appointment of Sir Frederick Bruce. British opinions and policy in reference to the United States. 252
1311 do Mar. 20 Communication from Earl Russell to Messrs. Mason, Slidell, and Mann. 252
1312 do Mar. 21 The military situation. 253
1313 do Mar. 21 Case of the Queen vs. Rumble 254
1314 do Mar. 21 Fuzes said to have been furnished the insurgents from Woolwich arsenal. 256
1315 do Mar. 21 The transfer of arms and men by the City of Richmond to the Stonewall. 257
1317 do Mar. 22 Supplies of men, arms, and ammunition, to the Florida, Stonewall, and other rebel vessels. 258
903 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Mar. 23 Formal notice of the termination of the reciprocity treaty. 258
904 do Mar. 23 Flag of the Duchies of Holstein, Schleswig, and Lauenburg. 259
905 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward.


Mar. 23

Address from the Union and Emancipation Society of Glasgow. 261
908 do Mar. 24 Proceedings in Parliament on American and Canadian affairs. 262
1320 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Mar. 25 European impressions in regard to the termination of the war. 293
1321 do Mar. 25 Case of The Queen vs. Humble 294
1322 do Mar. 25 Depredations of the shenandoah 294
1323 do Mar. 27 The military situation. 295
1325 do Mar. 27 Communication to the insurgents at Richmond of Earl Russell’s note to Messrs. Mason, Slidell, and Mann. 296
1326 do Mar. 27 Military operations in Virginia and North Carolina. 297
909 Mr. Adams to Mr. Mr. Seward. Mar. 29 The Stonewall at Lisbon 297
910 do Mar. 30 Condition of relations between the two countries. The question of the withdrawal from the rebels of recognition as belligerents. 298
912 do Mar.30 Equipment and manning of the Stonewall, and her movements. 299
913 do Mar. 30 Alleged disrespect to the American flag at Port Mahon. 299
914 do Mar. 30 Resolutions of meeting at St. George’s Hall 300
1328 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. April 4 The defence of canada 300
1329 do April 4 The military situation. The capture of Richmond and Petersburg. 301
1332 do April 4 The sale of the Alexandra at Nassau 301
1333 do April 4 Movements of the Shenandoah 302
1334 do April 4 Case of the Laurel 302
1335 do April 4 Organization in Nova Scotia to destroy United States vessels. 302
1336 do April 4 Condition of relations of the two countries 302
1337 do April 4 The discharge of the St. Albans felons, and the orders for their rearrest. 303
1338 do April 5 Movements of the Shenandoah and the Ajax. 304
915 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. April 5 The firing upon the Niagara in the Tagus. 305
916 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. 1865. April 6 The furnishing of men and arms to rebel vessels by British subjects. 305
917 do April 7 Renewed remonstrances against the course of the British government in recognizing the rebels as belligerents. 305
919 do April 7 Death of Mr. Cobden 306
1343 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. April 10 Address of the Union Emancipation Society of Glasgow. 307
1344 do April 10 The military situation. Surrender of General Lee. 307
1345 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Adams. April 10 Accident to the Secretary of State 307
1346 do April 10 The discontinuance of the reciprocity treaty 308
1347 do April 10 British opinion in regard to American affairs 308
1348 do April 10 Letter from the President to the Queen in regard to the resignation of Lord Lyons. 308
1350 do April 12 Proclamations in relation to closing ports of entry, and in relation to reciprocal naval hospitalities. 309
922 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. April 12 Outfit and equipment of rebel vessels in British ports. 311
924 do April 12 Case of the Laurel 312
926 do April 13 Visit of the United States steamer Honduras to Nassau, and the refusal to admit her. 312
927 do April 13 Piratical depredations of the Shenandoah and other rebel cruisers. 316
928 do April 14 Address of the Glasgow New Anti-Slavery Association. 320

Mr. F. W. Seward

Mr. Adams.

April 14 Movements of rebel cruisers 321
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. April 15 Assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 321
1352 Circular April 17 Same subject 321
Circular April 17 Honors to the memory of the President 322
1353 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. April 18 The military situation 322
930 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. April 20 Effects of news from the United States in England. 322
931 do April 20 Transmission of Earl Russell’s note to Messrs, Mason, Slidell, and Mann, to Richmond. 324
932 do April 20 The stonewall at teneriffe 325
933 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward.


April 21

The accident to the Secretary of state 325
1354 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. April 21 The continued recognition of the insurgents as belligerents by Great Britain. 326
1357 do April 21 The death of Mr. Cobden 326
1359 do April 21 State of British opinion and the continued recognition of the rebels as belligerents. 326
do April 24 Arrest of the principals and accomplices in the conspiracy to assassinate the President. 326
1366 do April 24 The refusal to allow a United States vessel-of-war to enter the port of Abaco. 327
1377 do April 24 The obsequies of President Lincoln. The military situation. 328
1378 do April 24 The firing upon the Niagara in the Tagus 330
934 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. April 27 Transmission of the President’s letter to the Queen in reference to the resignation of Lord Lyons. 331
936 do April 28 Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 331
937 do April 28 Case of alleged transfer of criminals from Newfoundland to the United States. 332
938 do April 28 Rebel steamers at Bermuda 333
940 do April 28 Addresses from the Union Emancipation Society of Manchester. Public opinion in Europe. 334
1383 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. May 2 Honors to the memory of President Lincoln. Military events. Removal of restrictions on trade in the insurrectionary region and reduction of the military force. 334
1384 do May2 Resolutions of a meeting in London 335
1385 do May 2 The visit of the United States steamer Honduras to Nassau. 335
1386 do May2 British violation of neutrality 335
1387 do May 2 Case of the Laurel 336
1388 do May 2 The recognition of the rebels as belligerents by the British government. 336
942 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter. May 4 Demonstrations of respect to the memory of President Lincoln. Earl Russell’s note, and proceedings in Parliament. 336
943 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter.


May 4

The same subject. Meetings, addresses, and resolutions in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 343
944 do May 4 The same subject. Addresses and resolutions of sympathy for Mrs. Lincoln. 344
1392 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. May 5 The Stonewall at Teneriffe 345
1394 do May 5 The concession of belligerent rights to the rebels by the British government. Effect of news in England. 345
1395 do May 5 Report of the National Freedman’s Relief Association. 345
1397 do May5 Address of the Anti-Slavery Society of Glasgow. 345
1398 do May 6 The transfer of men and arms to the Stonewall by the City of Richmond. 346
1399 do May 8 Proclamation offering rewards for arrest of conspirators and their accomplices. 347
949 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter. May 11 The fuzes found at Fort Fisher and alleged to have been supplied from Woolwich arsenal. 348
950 do May 11 Resignation of Lord Lyons 350
1400 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. May 15 The opening of ports in the insurgent States to foreign commerce. 352
951 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter. May 11 Rebel blockade running and privateering enterprises at Nassau. 352
952 do May 11 The concession of belligerent rights to the insurgents by the British government and the violations of neutrality by British subjects. 355
953 do May 11 Resolutions of “Confederate Aid associations” in Great Britain. 360
954 do May 11 Meetings, resolutions, and addresses in reference to the death of President Lincoln. 361
1402 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. May 15 Notice that the United States government will no longer respect on land or sea any concession of belligerent rights to the insurgents. 362
1403 do May 15 Rebel steamers at Bermuda 362
1404 do May 16 The situation. Surrender of Johnson and Taylor and capture of Jefferson Davis. Proclamation relative to insurgent cruisers. 363
1405 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams.


May 16

Addresses of the Union and Emancipation societies of Manchester. 364
956 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter. May18 Resolutions, addresses, and memorials in reference to the assassination of President Lincoln. 364
957 do May 18 Addresses on the same subject from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 365
960 do May 18 Parliamentary proceedings respecting the withdrawal of belligerent rights from the rebels. 367
962 do May 19 Revocation of regulations in. regard to visit of United States vessels-of-war to British ports. 369
1410 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. May 19 Acknowledgment of letters, addresses, and resolutions in reference to the assassination of President Lincoln. 370
1412 do May 19 Same Subject 370
1413 do May 19 Same Subject 371
do May 22 Acknowledgment of official expressions on the same subject by the British government and Parliament. 371
1414 do May 22 Reply of Mrs. Lincoln to her Majesty’s letter of condolence. 372
1417 do May 22 Acknowledgment of letter in reference to the accident to the Secretary of State. 372
1418 do May 22 The military situation. The Stonewall at Havana. 372
1419 do May 22 Proceedings of the piratical cruiser Stonewall. Note to Mr. Tassara. 373
1420 do May 22 Acknowledgment of the address adopted in Parliament in reference to the assassination of President Lincoln. 374
963 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter. May 25 Revocation of regulations in regard to visits of United States vessels in British ports. Withdrawal of the recognition of belligerents. 375
964 do May 25 The results of the recognition of the insurgents as belligerents. Piratical depredations on American commerce. 375
965 do May 25 Addresses, resolutions, &c., in reference to the death of President Lincoln. 384
966 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter.


May 25

Case of the Tallahassee 384
967 do May 25 Case of Vernon Locke 385
969 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. May 25 Measures that were taken for the arrest of Booth in case of his escape to England. 386
1423 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. May 29 Rumored piratical enterprise of former blockade runners. 386
1424 do May 29 Depredations of piratical cruisers on Ameriican commerce. 387
1425 do May 29 Resolutions of Southern Independence Society of Manchester. 387
1426 do May 29 Addresses and resolutions in regard to the death of President Lincoln. 387
1428 do May 29 The departure of Lord Lyons 387
1429 do May 29 Fuzes found in Fort Fisher 388
1430 do May 30 The military situation. Proclamations of the President relating to amnesty and the reorganization of the constitutional government in North Carolina. 388
Circular May 29 The amnesty proclamation and the proclamation in reference to North Carolina. 388
973 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter. June 2 The concession of belligerent rights to the insurgents by the British government and the violations of neutrality by British subjects. 393
974 do June 2 Addresses, resolutions, &c., in reference to the assassination of the “President. 394
975 do June 2 The claims for damages for depredations of the Alabama and other piratical vessels. Proceedings in Parliament. 395
977 do June 2 Closing of the captured ports of the insurgent States and their reopening. The withdrawal of the recognition of the insurgents as belligerents. 397
1437 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. June 3 Address, resolution, &c 398
1438 do June 3 Revocation of the order in regard to the entrance of United States vessels-of-war in British ports. 398
1439 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams.


June 3

Withdrawal of the recognition of belligerent rights from the insurgents. 399
1442 do June 5 Modification of the passport regulation 399
1443 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. June 3 Addresses from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 399
do June 7 Instructions to the Admiral of the United States squadron in European waters. 400
982 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter. June 8 addresses, resolutions, &c. 400
983 do June 8 Public announcement of the withdrawal of the recognition of the insurgents as belligerents. 401
1445 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. June 10 Acknowledgment of addresses, resolutions, &c. 402
1447 do June 10 Arrangement of British authorities for apprehension of Booth in the event of his escape to the British dominions. 402
1448 do June 10 The demand for the extradition of Vernon Locke. 403
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Moran. June 13 Acknowledgment of letter of the Lodge La Concorde in reference to the assassination of the President. 403
990 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter. June 15 Remarks in Parliament in regard to the President’s proclamation closing ports in Texas. 403
991 do June 15 addresses, resolutions, &c. 406
903 do June 15 Proceedings in Parliament. British opinions in reference to American affairs. The case of Jefferson Davis. 406
1454 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. June 19 The withdrawal of the concession of belligerent rights to the insurgents by Great Britain. Correspondence in reference thereto. 407
1456 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. June 21 The armament of the Olinde or Sibnewall 410
996 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter. June 22 addresses, resolutions, &c. 410
1462 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. June 24 Acknowledgment of addresses, resolutions, &c. 411
1463 do June 24 Acknowledgment of despatches 411
1464 do June 26 Proclamation rescinding the blockade 412
1467 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams.


June 27

The withdrawal of the recognition of the insurgents as belligerents. 412
1469 do June 30 Acknowledgment of addresses, resolutions, &c. 413
1470 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. July 3 The recent proclamation temporarily closing the ports of Texas. 414
1471 do July 3 British opinion in regard to American affairs. The case of Jefferson Davis. 443
1473 do July 3 Action of the Navy Department in view of the withdrawal of recognition of the insurgents as belligerents by Great Britain. 414
1007 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. July 6 Addresses, resolution, &c 414
Circular July 8 Conviction and sentence of the assassination conspirators. 414
1009 Mr. Adams to Mr. Hunter. July 13 The equipment and crew of the Stonewall. 415
1010 do July 13 Addresses, resolutions, &c 415
1011 do July 13 The Eappahannock appearing at Southampas the Beatrice. 415
1014 do July 13 The parliamentary elections 416
1015 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. July 20 The parrliamentary elections 418
1016 do July 20 Proceedings in relation to rebel property in the port of Liverpool. 418
1017 do July 20 The equipment and crew of the Stonewall supplied by the City of Richmond. 424
1481 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. July 20 Case of the schooner St. Mary’s stolen by John C. Brame. 430
1019 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. July 21 Resolution of condolence from the Northern Presbytery of Antrim. 430
1483 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. July 24 Intervention in the affairs of the Hawaiian Kingdom prejudicial to the United States. 431
1484 do July 25 Destruction of whaling vessels by the pirate Shenandoah. 431
1485 do July 25 Movements of the Rappahannock or Beatrice. Withdrawal of belligerent rights by Great Britain from the insurgents. 432
1491 do July 25 The twenty-four hours’ rule 433
1022 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward.


July 27

Proceedings in chancery in regard to rebel cotton at Liverpool. Case of The United States vs. Priolean. 433
1023 do July 27 The supplies to the Sea King by the Laurel 433
Mr. Moran to Mr. Seward. July 28 Case of The United States vs. Priolean 442
1495 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. July 28 Movements of the Rappahannock or Beatrice. Withdrawal of belligerent rights by Great Britain from the insurgents. Judicial proceedings in regard to insurgent vessels. 445
1497 do July 31 The elections in England 445
1498 do July 31 Acknowledgment of expressions of sympathy. 446
1499 do July 31 The armament of the Stonewall 446
1025 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Aug. 3 Case of the United States vs. Priolean 446
1501 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. Aug. 5 The armament of the Stonewall 449
1503 do Aug. 5 Resolution of condolence from the Northern Presbytery of Antrim. 550
1504 do Aug. 8 The elections in Great Britain 450
1507 do Aug. 10 Case of the United States vs. Priolean 450
1028 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Aug. 10 Case of the schooner St. Mary’s 451
1030 do Aug. 10 Visit of the Queen of the Hawaii to England. 452
1031 do Aug. 10 Piratical depredations of the Shenandoah 452
1032 do Aug. 10 Proceedings for the surrender of insurgent vessels. 452
1509 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Aug. 12 The twenty-four hours’ rule. Instructions to Admiral Goldsborough. 453
1512 do Aug. 14 Landing of a cargo of slaves on the island of Cuba. 453
1514 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. Aug. 16 The armament of the stonewall 453
1518 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Aug. 19 The neutrality of the Peninsula of Samana 454
1520 do Aug. 22 Withdrawal of notice of abrogation of agreement limiting naval armament on the lakes. 454
1523 do Aug. 24 Visit of the Queen of the Hawaii to England 454
1524 do Aug. 24 Proceedings for the surrender of insurgent vessels. 454
1525 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.


Aug. 25

Piratical depredations of the Shenandoah 455
Mr. Moran to Mr. Seward. Aug. 25 The same subject 455
1526 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Aug. 26 Case of The United States vs. Prioleau 455
1527 do Aug. 26 Case of the schooner St. Mary’s 456
1530 do Aug. 28 The election in Great Britain 456
1531 do Aug. 28 Proceedings in regard to rebel property in Liverpool. 456
1533 do Aug. 31 Proceedings of the municipal corporation of Calcutta in reference to the assassination of President Lincoln. 456
1534 do Aug. 31 Cases of insurgent property in England 456
1538 do Sept 5 Applications for, pardons only considered when persons making them are in the United States. 457
1539 do Sept. 7 Piratical depredations of the Shenandoah 457
1036 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Sept 7 The cargo of negroes from Africa landed in Cuba. 529
1037 do Sept. 7 Meeting of the holders of the rebel cotton loan. 529
1039 do Sept. 7 Case of the seizure of the St. Mary’s 535
1042 do Sept 7 Neutrality of the British government, and the recognition of the insurgents as belligerents. Proposed commission of claims. 536
1043 do Sept. 8 The same subject 545
1541 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Sept. 11

Piratical depredations of the Shenandoah.

Case of the William C Nye.

1044 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Sept. 14 Visit of the Queen of the Sandwich Islands to Great Britain. 548
1046 do Sept. 14 Piratical depredations of the Shenandoah 549
1047 do Sept. 14 Resolutions of the United Methodist free churches. 551
1049 do Sept. 15 Envoy to the United States sent by the Bey of Tunis. 552
1542 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Sept. 19 Address of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. 552
1051 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Sept. 21 The slave trade in Cuba 553
1052 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward,


Sept. 21

Relations between Great Britain and the United States during the war, and the action of the British government. 554
1054 do Sept. 22 Visit of Mr. Adams to Ireland. Condition of its people. 561
1543 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Sept. 23 Case of the St. Mary’s 563
1544 do Sept. 25 Resolutions of the citizens of Cardiff. Communications of the United States government to unofficial persons in Great Britain. 564
1545 do Sept. 25 Claims against Great Britain growing out of depredations on commerce of the United States. 564
1551 do Sept. 27 Relations between Great Britain and the United States in reference to the civil war and to the recognition of the insurgents as belligerents. Proposed commission for the adjustment of claims. 564
1552 do Sept. 29 Visit of the Queen of the Sandwich Islands to England. 566
1059 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Sept. 29 Piracies of the Shenandoah. Policy of the President. 566
1553 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Oct. 2 Claims growing out of depredations of the Alabama and similar vessels. 571
1556 do Oct. 2 The envoy from Tunis to the United States 571
1559 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. Oct. 3 Slave trade in Cuba 571
1061 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Oct. 5 Reported visits of the United States frigate Niagara to the Irish coast. 572
1063 do Oct. 5 Fenian organization. The subscribers to the rebel cotton loan. 572
1560 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. Oct. 6 Resolutions of the assembly of the United Methodist free churches. 576
1064 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Oct 12 Claims for damages by the Alabama, &c 576
1066 do Oct. 14 Removal of restrictions on United States ships-of-war in British ports. Orders for capture of Shenandoah. Proposed commission for the adjustment of claims 610
1067 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward.


Oct. 19

The proposed commission for the adjustment of claims. 612
1069 do Oct 19 Proceedings of meeting of holders of cotton bonds. 620
1072 do Oct. 20 The proposed commission for the adjustment of claims 623
1567 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Adams. Oct. 23 The fenian movement. Rebel loan 623
1074 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Oct. 27 The piratical depredations on American commerce by vessels fitted out in British ports. 623

Mr. Seward to Mr.


Oct. 31 Same subject 627
1572 do Oct. 31 Withdrawal of restrictions on United States naval vessels in British ports. 627
1573 do Oct. 31 Claims against Great Britain 628
1575 do Oct. 31 Supposed visits of the United States steamer Niagara to the Irish coast. 628
1577 do Nov. 4 Rebel loan 628
1579 do Nov. 4 Acknowledgment of expressions of sympathy and condolence with the United States in regard to the death of President Lincoln. 629
1580 do Nov. 4 The claims growing out of the depredations on American commerce. The proposed joint commission declined. 630
1582 do Nov. 4 Cotton at Liverpool 630
1080 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Nov. 9 Changes in the British ministry. Earl Russell prime minister, and Lord Clarendon secretary of foreign affairs. 631
1081 do Nov. 9 Claims growing out of the depredations on American commerce. 631
1082 do Nov. 10 The Shenandoah at Liverpool. Her delivery to Mr. Dudley. 650
1085 do Nov. 10 Speeches of Earl Russell and Mr. Gladstone at Guildhall. 653
1583 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Nov. 13 Depredations of the Shenandoah 655
1585 do Nov. 14 Proceedings of the British government in regard to the Shenandoah. 655
1586 do Nov. 15 The African slave trade 659
1589 do Nov. 15 Case of the Tallahassee 660
1590 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.


Nov. 15

President’s proclamation in regard to the insurgent cruisers. 660
1591 do Nov. 15 Addresses, resolutions, &c, on the assassination of President Lincoln. 661
1592 do Nov. 15 Closing of the captured ports of the insurgent States, and their reopening. 661
1090 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Nov. 15 Correspondence with Earl Russell in regard to claims growing out of depredations on American commerce. 661
1091 do Nov. 15 The shenandoah 662
1593 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Nov. 16 Claims growing out of the depredations of the Alabama. 664
1596 do Nov.20 Reported landing of African negroes in Cuba. 665
1597 do Nov. 20 Same subject 665
1605 do Nov. 25 The shenandoah 666
1606 do Nov. 27 Condition of political affairs in Great Britain. 667
1607 do Nov. 27 Claims against Great Britain growing out of depredations on American commerce. 667
1608 do Nov. 28 Speeches of Earl Russell and Mr. Gladstone. 667
1609 do Nov. 28 Vessels owned by rebels 668
1611 do Dec. 1 Claims for depredations on American commerce. 668
1612 do Nov. 30 Course of the British government in regard to the Shenandoah and similar cruisers. 668
1616 do Dec. 2 Proceedings of the British and American ministers in China in reference to the Osborne flotilla. 670