Mr. Seward to Senhor Albuquerque

Sir: I have had the honor to receive Senhor d’Azambuja’s note of the 22d ultimo, communicating to me the decree of the Emperor of Brazil of the 7th of December, by which, after the 7th of September next, the navigation of the rivers Amazon, Tocantins, Tapajos, Madeira, Rio Negro, and San Francisco is opened for a certain distance to merchant vessels of all countries.

Permit me to express to you the appreciation of my government of the liberality and enlightenment which governed the Emperor in the grant of the privileges conferred by the decree, the effect of which cannot fail to be promotive of the commercial and national prosperity of Brazil, while it will at the same time advance the interests of civilization in the hemisphere.

I avail myself of this occasion, sir, to offer to you a renewel assurance of my very high consideration.


Chevelier Senhor H. C. d’Albuquerque, &c., &c., &c.