No. 487.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Peixotto.

No. 30.]

Sir: The Department has received your dispatch No. 30, of the 19th ultimo, accompanied by a copy of a remonstrance addressed by the representatives of foreign governments at Bucharest to that of the principalities, against recent maltreatment of Israelites there.

The Department approves your taking part in that remonstrance. Whatever caution and reserve may usually characterize the policy of this Government in such matters may be regarded as inexpedient when every guarantee and consideration of justice appear to have been set at defiance in the course pursued with reference to the unfortunate people referred to. You will not be backward in joining any similar protest, or other measure which the foreign representatives there may deem advisable, with a view to avert or mitigate further harshness toward the Israelites residents in, or subjects of, the principalities.

I am, sir, &c.,