No. 50.
Mr. Williamson to Mr. Evarts.

No. 632.]

Sir: I have the honor to hand you the reply, received yesterday, from the Government of Guatemala to my note, of which a copy was sent with my No. 615, in respect to the violation of some of the stipulations of the postal convention of July 16, 1862, by the post-office officials.

You will note that President Barrios is said to have given orders that the convention shall be literally complied with by his officials. I hope there may be no further occasion for correspondence on this subject, but apprehend there may be.

I am, &c.,

[Page 66]

Mr. Montufar to Mr. Williamson.

Sir: In an opportune moment I had the honor to receive your excellency’s estimable note dated the 24th instant. The President, to whom I related its contents, was pleased to order that the postal convention of 1862 should be literally complied with, that convention being still existing between the United States and Guatemala. I informed the minister of public works of this to-day.

With sentiments of the most “distinguished esteem, I am, &c.,