No. 430.
Mr. Moran to Mr. Evarts.

No. 215.]

Sir: Referring to your circular of the 23d of May, 1877, I now have the honor to report that, having been informed that General Grant would [Page 746] visit Lisbon in the latter part of October, I communicated the fact unofficially to this government, as requested by the Duke d’Avila e de Bolama, and reported to you in my No. 174, of the 11th of December, 1877, and on the loth of the month Mr. Corvo called upon me in person and announced that the King had given instructions that every arrangement should be made for the reception and comfort of General Grant during his stay in Portugal. Accordingly an attaché of the foreign office, the Señor da Cunha Sotto Maior, was detailed to attend upon him as the representative of that branch of the government, and directed to proceed with a special saloon-carriage to Badajoz, in Spain, there to welcome him to Portugal in the name of the King, and place the carriage at his disposal, while the Visconde de Pernes, a distinguished military officer, was named by the minister of war to receive him at the railway station, and remain in attendance upon him, with Señor da Cunha, during his sojourn in Lisbon.

General Grant arrived in this city, accompanied by Mrs. Grant, Mr. John Russell Young, and Señor da Cunha, at an early hour on Sunday, the 27th ultimo, and was cordially received at the station by the American and Portuguese officials. Mr. Corvo paid him an official visit on the 28th, and on the 29th he and Mrs. Grant were presented to the King and Queen and other members of the royal family, by whom they were more than cordially received. Indeed, General Grant describes this reception as characterized by exceptional personal warmth and as peculialy agreeable to him. On the 31st he and his suite attended the opera, by royal invitation, in honor of the King’s birthday, and on the 1st instant they dined in state with the King and royal family at the Palace of the Ajuda.

Marked respect was paid to General Grant by the public wherever he was recognized, and his visit to Portugal may be truthfully described as gratifying to himself and his compatriots in Lisbon. He authorized me to express to Mr. Corvo his appreciation of the kindness that had been shown him by the King and government, and I accordingly addressed a note to that effect to that gentleman yesterday, and now inclose a copy thereof for the information of the President and yourself.

I may add that this visit of General Grant has afforded much pleasure to Mr. Dim an, the consul, and myself, and that we have been gratified in having had it in our power to contribute to his comfort and enjoyment while here.

The general and suite left for Cordova, in Spain, on Saturday evening, the third instant, in a saloon-car famished by the government, accompanied by Señor da Cunha; and Señor Foutes, the prime minister, myself, and Mr. Diman were present at his departure.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 215.]

Mr. Moran to Mr. Corvo.

Sir: I have great pleasure in informing your excellency that I have been authorized by General Grant, Ex-President of the United States, to express through you to His Most Faithful Majesty his high sense of the more than cordial reception accorded to him by His Majesty and the royal family, and the members of His Majesty’s Government, on his recent visit to Portugal.

[Page 747]

General Grant is deeply impressed with the great kindness shown him, and regards his visit as having been characterized by marks of personal friendship which he can never forget.

Where so many officers of the government exerted themselves to make his visit agreeable it would be difficult to name all. But he desires to recognize specially the attention he received from Señor Foutes, president of the council, and your excellency; and he also wishes to make his acknowledgments to Señor Cunha do Sotto Maior and the Visconde de Pernes, for their great courtesy and intelligent attention.

In conclusion, I beg to add the expression of my cordial thanks to His Majesty and His Majesty’s Government for the distinguished honor they have shown my illustrious countryman—an honor which I am sure will be gratifying to my government and to the American people, and tend to cement the cordial friendship which so happily subsists between the United States and Portugal.

With assurances, &c.,