Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay.

No. 621.]

Sir: I inclose a communication addressed to Dr. Terres, the vice-consul-general, from Mr. Charles Miot, the United States consular agent at Gonaives.

The facts are, on Sunday, August 13, 1899, General Prudo, of the arrondissement of Gonaives, impressed into the Haitian army two young men, one by the name Julian Guillaury, the other a son of Ch. Black. The fathers of these young men claim to be American citizens. The young men impressed, though, were born in Haiti. [Page 397] General Prudo was written to and informed they were American citizens and were released. I call attention to that portion of Mr. Miot’s letter referring to the registering of Americans in that district.

Mr. Miot informed me that the parents of these young men had not returned to the United States for many years, their sons had not been there at any time, nor had they been registered at the consular agency.

In order that the Department may be fully informed in regard to this class of cases, about 1824 this Republic extended an invitation to settlers to take up their abode here, granting to them a certain amount of land. Many residing in Louisiana accepted the offer of the Republic and emigrated. In 1845 there was another large immigration here. This also was principally from the Gulf States. Another large immigration took place in the years 1861, 1862, and 1863. These people came from the northern tier of the Southern States, with a few from the Middle and New England States. The early immigrants settled either here or at Gonaives; those of a later period at Les Cayes, also called Aux Cayes, and other parts of the Republic.

I have, etc.,

W. F. Powell.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Miot to Mr. Terres.

Sir: I have the honor to make you know the little incident that gave birth to the two telegrams I showed you at Port au Prince.

Last Sunday they were beating up for soldiers. Two young men, one the son of Julian Guillaury and the other the son of Ch. Black, were taken and put in prison to be incorporated. The two fathers, who are Americans, came to this consulate complaining about the fact. My son, Em. Miot, wrote to General Prudo, commandant of this arrondissement, who put the two men at once in liberty.

But General Prudo used to consider them as Haitians, as they were born here and have never made any declaration that could make them known as American citizens.

It would be good to take the names of all Louisianians and children and make them declare if they intend to be American or Haitian citizens, so that I might know how to do with them in future.

I am, etc.,

Charles Miot.

Mr. J. Guillaury brought me his papers, by which I see that he is really an American citizen. Ch. Black has no papers.


Mr. Miot to General Prudo.

General: I come by the present to beg you to kindly set at liberty the sons of Ch. Black and that of J. Guillaury, both American subjects, arrested this morning and committed to prison.

With the hope that my request will find a good welcome, I beg you to accept, etc.,

Em. Miot,
United States Consular Agent (ad interim).
[Page 398]
[Inclosure 2.]

Mr. Powell to Mr. Miot.

Sir: Your letter to the vice-consul-general, Dr. J. B. Terres, in regard to the impressment of certain American citizens into the military service and their subsequent release has been handed me.

In reply to your request as to registering those from Louisiana who emigrated from there, I have referred the matter to the Department. My own opinion is that when they accepted the terms of the Government it was with the understanding they should become citizens. I will be glad if you will furnish me this necessary information:

  • First. When did they come to Haiti; that is, the year? Did they accept the offer made about this time?
  • Second. Have they at anytime since their arrival here returned to the United States?
  • Third. Do they now intend to return? Have they had their children, when born, registered in your consulate?

Respectfully, etc.,

W. F. Powell.