Mr. Cambon to Mr. Hay.


Sir: The cruiser Chicago of the American Navy, commanded by Rear-Admiral Schley, having met the French steamship Bretagne 60 miles distant from Bahia, having damaged her machinery, towed this vessel in distress as far as Bahia. The Admiral refused all claim for salvage—happy, as he stated, to please a friendly nation.

The French consul at Bahia at once called upon the consul of the United States at that city, and requested him to transmit his thanks to Admiral Schley.

My Government, informed of this courteous act of this general officer, was much touched by it, and has directed me to convey to the Government of the United States the expression of its appreciation of it.

I am happy to be the medium of fulfilling near you this agreeable mission.

Accept, etc.,

Jules Cambon.