Mr. Hay to Mr. Choate.

No. 262.]

Sir: I inclose for your information copy of correspondence,1 as indicated below, in regard to the reported seizure by Her Majesty’s cruiser Partridge of the British steamers Mashona and Maria off the east coast of Africa, portions of the cargoes of which, consisting of general merchandise, are the property of Messrs. Flint, Eddy & Co.

You are instructed to bring the matter to the attention of the British Government, and to inquire as to the circumstances and legality of the seizure. If it was illegal, you will request prompt action and restitution in the case.

The United States consul at Lourenço Marquez will be instructed to use all proper efforts to protect the rights of Messrs. Flint, Eddy & Co.

I am, etc.,

John Hay.
  1. (Inclosures:) Messrs. Hopkins & Hopkins to Mr. Hay, December 12, 1899, and December 15, 1899, printed ante.