File No. 5767/99–101.

The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

No. 648.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your number 1240, of September 6, 1909, with which you inclose translations of the Chinese text of the two agreements signed at Peking on the 4th idem by the representatives of the Japanese and Chinese Governments for the settlement of the Chientao and other Manchurian questions which have been pending between the two Governments.

The department heartily approves your action in intimating to the Wai-wu Pu during the progress of the negotiations that if the agreements reached should be found to violate the principle of equal commercial opportunity in Manchuria and the preservation of China’s territorial integrity and administrative entity, it would be a matter of serious concern to this Government.

I am, etc.,

Huntington Wilson.