File No. 2151/313.

Minister Gummeré to the Secretary of State.

Sir: I have the honor to report as follows: As reported to the department in my telegram1 of the 4th instant, on the 3d of January the dean of the diplomatic corps circulated a letter among that body announcing that the representatives of all the powers, signatory to the act of Algeciras had informed him that their respective Governments approved of the note to be presented to Mouley Hafid through his representative at Tangier, and requesting that the interpreters of the various legations should meet at the Portuguese legation on the afternoon of the 4th instant for the purpose of translating the said note into Arabic preparatory to its presentation. The meeting of the interpreters was held and, as reported in my telegram1 of this date, on the 5th instant the dean of the diplomatic corps circulated another letter among the corps announcing that he had, on that day, delivered the note from the powers, recognizing Mouley Hafid as Sultan of Morocco, to his representative at Tangier.

I am, etc.,

S. R. Gummeré.
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.