File No. 15778/32–34.

The Secretary of State to the Minister of Panama.

No. 3.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your two notes of the 14th instant, one official and the other personal,1 regarding the measures taken by the Government of Panama for the trial and punishment of the persons guilty of the assault committed upon certain members of the crew of the U. S. S. Buffalo, and for the future protection of American seamen on shore in Panama.

I have the honor to advise you in reply that the American minister at Panama has been instructed by telegraph that the prompt action taken by the Government of Panama and its determinatiton, by punishing those guilty of the offense, to prevent future abuses are appreciated by the President, who feels it to be important that there should be no delay in the action to determine the culpability of the police officials, charged by judicial investigation, nor in the decision and punishment of the guilty.

The minister was also informed that orders would be given to the naval officers to pursue the usual course, and also to keep a reserve ready to render assistance, if necessary, for the preservation of order.

Accept, etc.,

Elihu Root.
  1. Not printed, ante.