File No. 853.00/169.

The Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.

No. 19.]

Sir: The Department has received your No. 83 of the 10th ultimo reporting the gist of a recent conversation between the minister for foreign affairs of Portugal and you relative to the recognition of the present Government of that country.

Your legation was advised by cable on January 2nd of this Government’s attitude at that time toward the de facto Government of Portugal and on the 31st of the same month you were informed1 that this Government’s attitude was still one of benevolent expectancy. This attitude toward the new Government of Portugal remains precisely the same to-day.

I am, etc.,

P. C. Knox.
  1. This statement was later corrected in Instruction No. 31 (not printed), which shows that the two cables were sent to the legation at Madrid.