File No. 151.07/5.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister.

No. 235.]

Sir: Referring to your note of the 6th instant requesting a renewal of the arrangement made last summer whereby Chinese residents in Mexico were allowed to take refuge in the United States during the continuance of disturbances in Mexico, I have the honor to inform you that the Department is now in receipt of a letter from the Department of Commerce and Labor, to which Department the matter was referred, stating that there is little doubt that the previous arrangement is still being adhered to, but that, as a precautionary measure, the matter has again been brought to the attention of the proper immigration authorities on the Mexican border.

In this connection you will be interested to learn that in a letter to the Governor of Texas, dated March 9, 1912, communicated by him to the Department, Capt. John E. Hughes, of the Texas State Rangers, reported that on the night of the mutiny in Juárez TO Chinese presented themselves at the detention station and asked for refuge, which was accorded them, the immigration authorities having refused refuge to no foreigners applying for protection.

Accept [etc.],

Huntington Wilson.