Acquisition by the United States of lands on Las Minas Bay and the Island of Taboga14

14. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1920, vol. iii, pp. 314322.

[557] The Panaman Chargé (Lefevre) to the Secretary of State


[559] The Secretary of State to the Panaman Chargé (Lefevre)

411.19 L 22/957

[560] The Panaman Chargé (Lefevre) to the Secretary of State

411.19 L 22/962

[561] The Secretary of State to the Panaman Chargé (Lefevre)

411.19 L 22/961

[562] The Panaman Chargé (Lefevre) to the Secretary of State

411.19 L 22/963

[563] The Secretary of State to the Panaman Chargé (Lefevre)

411.19 L 22/963