Tacna-Arica dispute: Beginning of direct negotiations between Chile and Peru at the suggestion of the United States34

34. For previous correspondence concerning the Tacna-Arica dispute, see Foreign Relations, 1926, vol. i, pp. 260 ff. and pp. 486 ff.

[424] The Ambassador in Peru (Moore) to the Secretary of State

723.2515/3154: Telegram

[425] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (Moore)

723.2515/3154: Telegram

[426] Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (White)


[427] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Peru (Hanna)

723.2515/3204a: Telegram

[428] The Chargé in Peru (Hanna) to the Secretary of State

723.2515/3205: Telegram

[429] Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (White)


[430] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Peru (Hanna)

723.2515/3205: Telegram

[431] The Chargé in Peru (Hanna) to the Secretary of State

723.2515/3208: Telegram

[432] Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (White)


[433] The Chargé in Peru (Hanna) to the Secretary of State

723.2515/3216: Telegram

[434] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Peru (Hanna)

723.2515/3216: Telegram

[435] The Chargé in Peru (Hanna) to the Secretary of State

723.2515/3218: Telegram

[436] The Ambassador in Chile (Culbertson) to the Secretary of State

723.2515/3225: Telegram

  1. Telegram in two sections.
  2. Telegram in two sections.