
The Chilean Ambassador (Dávila) to the Secretary of State

No. 81

Excellency: The President of the Republic of Chile was authorized, by Law N°. 4640 of August 19, 1929, to declare free from all import duties articles destined to Professional Consuls accredited near the Government of Chile, when the articles are originally shipped for the account of the aforementioned officials and for their own use and consumption. The Law provides that goods to an amount which would ordinarily bear duties of 30,000 Chilean Pesos will be permitted to enter free of duty the first year of the Consuls stay in the Country and goods ordinarily bearing 6,000 Chilean Pesos in duties each succeeding year. This free entry will be extended only to the Professional Consuls of those Countries granting similar reciprocity, and who do not, outside of their official functions, engage in commerce.—

I have the honor to request that Your Excellency be good enough to advise me if there is any provision of Law here whereby the United States Government might permit its Professional Consuls to take advantage of the above Chilean Law by granting reciprocal privileges to the Professional Consuls of Chile in the United States.

I avail myself [etc.]

Carlos G. Dávila