711.60p12A/11: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé at Riga (Sussdorff)

63. Your 90, November 6, noon.

Arbitration and conciliation treaties similar to those proposed to Latvia have been signed during current year with Albania, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Germany and Poland. Arbitration treaties alone have been signed with Denmark, France, Italy and Sweden. See Monthly Political Report, May–June, 1928.12
Estonia’s not being member of Hague Court does not interfere with inclusion of complete provision in regard to procedure in the special agreement provided for in each case. This is covered by “provide for the organization etc., … and settle the terms of reference”, in article 1 of draft.
Fifth member of commission provided for in draft of conciliation treaty would in no sense be a “super-arbiter”. He would be on same footing as, and would have no power not possessed by, the other members of commission. Difficult to perceive more reasonable method of choosing members of the Commission. Endeavor to obtain Estonia’s acquiescence but you need not refuse to receive specific alternative proposals for transmission to your Government.
  1. Not printed.