
The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

No. 195

Sir: I have the honor to enclose a copy of despatch No. 134 of January 16, 1936, from the Consulate General at Tientsin,41 regarding a case of sugar-smuggling which occurred at the 15th U. S. Infantry camp at Chinwangtao on the night of January 6–7, 1936. It will be observed that, according to the report of the American Army officer concerned, the persons in charge of the smuggling operations were Japanese.

In this connection it may be remarked that the Taikoo Sugar Refining Company, a British organization which has a very large trade in sugar in China, is reported now to have its warehouse in Tientsin filled with stocks, “without being able to sell a pound” by reason of the activities of sugar-smugglers in North China.

Respectfully yours,

Nelson Trusler Johnson
  1. Not printed.