Naval measures taken by China and Japan along the coasts and in the rivers of China; effect on American and other shipping 98

98. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1938, vol. iv, pp. 143209.

[784] The Consul General at Hankow (Spiker) to the Secretary of State

893.811/1136: Telegram

[785] The Consul at Foochow (Ward) to the Secretary of State

893.102F/7: Telegram

[786] The Consul General at Canton (Myers) to the Secretary of State

793.94/15544: Telegram

[787] The Consul General at Shanghai (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State

793.94112/281: Telegram

[788] The Consul General at Shanghai (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State

793.94112/282: Telegram

[789] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

793.94112/287: Telegram

[790] The Consul General at Shanghai (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State

793.94112/294: Telegram

[791] The Consul General at Canton (Myers) to the Secretary of State

793.94112/293: Telegram

[792] The British Embassy to the Department of State


[793] The Consul General at Canton (Myers) to the Secretary of State

793.94112/298: Telegram

[794] The Department of State to the British Embassy
