II. Approach of the United States to neutral countries regarding exchange of views on postwar problems 80

80. The replies of the neutral governments to this project are not printed as they contain little of historical significance, and action by the Government of the United States was discontinued due to war conditions. An account of this proposal is given in Department of State, Postwar Foreign Policy Preparation, 1939–1945 (Washington, 1949), pp. 23–26.

[29] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

500.A21/65a: Telegram

[30] The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Netherlands (Gordon)

500.A21/30: Telegram

[31] The Secretary of State to American Diplomatic Missions in All Neutral Countries

500.A21/1a: Telegram

[32] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Armour)

500.A21/124: Telegram

[33] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Bowers)

500.A21/156: Telegram

[34] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

500.A21/177: Telegram

[35] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

500.A21/189: Telegram