340.1115A/532: Telegram

The Minister in Denmark (Atherton) to the Secretary of State

105. Department’s 29, April 10, 9 p.m. From the 500 inquiries made it is estimated 123 Americans with valid passports, etc., have sufficient funds to return to the United States. Twenty additional without funds.

Forty valid American women citizens with Danish husbands or families desire return providing Danish members permitted proceed to the United States. Half of these only possess funds.

Sixty cases unrebutted presumption including wives and families desire return of whom half have funds.

Undoubtedly other Americans desiring return who cannot yet communicate with Copenhagen but above named groups alone might require $15,000 for full return fare.

Families Major Hohenthal18 and Consul General Sauer19 have received German permission for departure.

Although various travel agencies here are professedly hopeful of arranging group visas for Americans across Germany to Genoa, the Legation has no assurances as yet to give to American citizens. Local German authorities, however, hopeful they can arrange group visas in due time without reference each individual case to Berlin.

  1. Maj. William D. Hohenthal, Assistant Military Attaché in Germany.
  2. Emil Sauer, Consul General at Frankfort on the Main.