893.51/7030: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in China (Peck) to the Secretary of State

20. Reference my 4, January 3, 3 p.m. The British Ambassador38 yesterday stated to me that the Chinese through him are urging the British Government to grant financial credits to the Chinese Government and have informed him they are sanguine of obtaining 75,000,000 dollars additional American credits before the end of this month secured on tin and tungsten exports. Answering inquiry, I stated that the Embassy here had not been informed regarding negotiations in the United States for further credits or other assistance but that in regard to general attitude toward the hostilities the American Government adhered to its position as announced in times past. The Ambassador expressed such relief and pleasure at this statement that I inferred he was somewhat anxious about the position of his own Government. As the Department knows, he is personally very sympathetic with China’s struggle against domination.

Repeated to Peiping.

  1. Sir Archild J. K. Clark Kerr.