810.20 Defense/69933/6: Telegram

The Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Secretary of State


751. For the Under Secretary. My telegram 736, June 27, 3 p.m. …

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As you are aware we secured from the Brazilian military authorities in writing an agreement for officers from our General Staff [Page 503] to come here to talk over the whole defense business with officers of the Brazilian General Staff (see my telegram No. 665 of June 14, 4 p.m.23)

Our military authorities desire a previous Brazilian agreement to some additional points before they come. The Brazilians will eventually agree but this of course has put off the conversations. In my opinion this is a mistake: Our officers should have come here as soon as the Brazilians agreed to their coming. It would also be a mistake to insist on signing any sort of a formal agreement in the premises at this juncture. It is often possible to get more out of Brazilians without a signed agreement than with one.

  1. Not printed.