390.11B15/21: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

960. American interests, Hong Kong. Your 1942, March 26.26

Department believes that loyal American nationals will not wish to remain in enemy territory where it might prove difficult to avoid contributing directly or indirectly to the enemy war effort. Having provided for repatriation of American nationals and their families (including alien spouses and alien unmarried minor children), Department is not disposed to authorize financial assistance to those refusing (on grounds other than physical inability to undertake the voyage) opportunity for repatriation. However, pending further developments in exchange negotiations and further instructions on financial assistance to Filipinos, it may be considered that no such opportunity has been offered Filipinos in the Far East and hence that they have not refused repatriation.
Seamen’s certificates issued by Insular Collector of Customs and United States High Commissioner at Manila27 are acceptable as establishing Philippine citizenship.
Information furnished pursuant to second paragraph of Department’s 249, January 30 will doubtless enable you and Department to verify decisions concerning financial assistance at Hong Kong.
  1. Not printed; it inquired whether eligibility of Filipinos in Hong Kong to receive relief was conditioned on their willingness to proceed to the United States.
  2. Francis B. Sayre, who was evacuated from the Philippines in February 1942.