740.00114 Pacific War/202: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

1255. American interests Japan. Your 2339 April 14 and 2515 April 22.

Please ask Swiss Government to deliver following communication verbatim to Japanese Government:

“The United States Government has learned informally that the Japanese Government, fearing future claims upon it, is averse to permitting advances of official United States Government funds to American nationals detained by Japan.

The United States Government has voluntarily undertaken to extend financial assistance to American nationals in enemy territory finding themselves in an abnormal position by reason of the war. The use of public funds for such assistance envisages the eventual reimbursement of the United States Government from the personal resources of the beneficiaries, who are asked solely for that purpose to sign receipts embodying promises to repay the sums advanced.

The Japanese Government is requested urgently to instruct its appropriate representatives in Japan and Japanese-occupied or controlled areas to permit the representatives of the Power protecting American interests in such areas, or the delegates of the International Red Cross in areas where the protecting Power is not permitted to function, free access to all American nationals for the purpose of advancing necessary funds to them against appropriate receipts and for their general protection.”

Payments to prisoners of war at Shanghai may be made through the International Red Cross delegate there in the same manner as was authorized for civilian internees at Shanghai by Department’s 2943 [Page 1025] December 29.29 As also provided by that telegram, funds for such payments should be advanced to International Red Cross from funds supplied to Swiss Consulate Shanghai for representation American interests.