837.51 Cooperation Program/195: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Braden)

A–699. You’re a–95 and A–96, January 14.85 The Department is definitely opposed to the utilization of Lend-Lease funds for the purchase of any of the machinery and equipment from San Antonio de los Baños.86 The Export-Import Bank is prepared to finance under [Page 242] the $25,000,000 loan the purchase of equipment needed for the completion of projects which have been submitted to the Bank or which will be submitted by the Cuban Government. The Department suggests that you consult Fitch87 of the Export-Import Bank, who is now in Cuba, regarding the procedure to be followed by the Cuban Government in utilizing the $25,000,000 loan for this purpose.

The War Department authorizes Major Wommack to serve as consultant in connection with the evaluation of equipment belonging to the Cayuga Construction Company.88

  1. Neither printed.
  2. An airport development project recently completed.
  3. John D. Fitch, principal engineer of a 3-man engineering team sent to Cuba in January 1943 by the Export-Import Bank.
  4. The engineering company that constructed the military airport at San Antonio de los Banos.