501.BB Balkan/8–1848: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece


1209. Balcom 201. In conversation with Greek Amb Aug 20 Dept referred to reported attitude Greek Govt and press toward UNSCOB (urtel 1592, Combal 234, August 151). Dept pointed out that even though Greeks might feel committee had not accomplished all it should have, we were sure they would agree it had served useful purpose in deterring satellites from greater assistance to guerrillas and in obtaining info this subject. It would therefore be unfortunate for Greeks to do anything which would either alienate sympathies of committee members or weaken committee prestige.

It was further pointed out US policy in diplomatic field is to support Greece through United Nations, thus bringing to bear weight of whole world rather than merely one country. Anything which weakened UNSCOB lessened our ability to carry out this policy.

Amb indicated his agreement and said he would communicate his govt.

  1. Not printed; it stated that Greek hostility to UNSCOB appeared to originate from bitterness that the UNSCOB report did not include strong recommendations (501.BB Balkan/8–1548).